WIth my Revo 1/16 and FLM Stampede sold i have "only" my Mini LST2 and Vendetta ST here....the last one is in a "bag" :D and waiting for a major update...or should i sell it?
Summer season is over and now the winter one begins in a few weeks...between my runs i want something to do...but what??
I have already done a 4wd el buggy ---> 2wd midmounted
I have already done a 4wd el 1/18 ----> 2wd midmounted
I have just finished my 2 x Xray M18T trucks to M18T Pro messurements, with new longer (16mm) chassis. Carbonfibre from Fullforcerc.
Vendetta "2wd" is not a option since it have already been done...
Belt driven 4wd truck, is a good one, but...not requiers that i get a higher CG i have to think about this one....
Hmmm......How about a 2wd Xray ? Now this can be a fun one??