20/4-2010 it was the first run outdoor for the season...And what a day!. Blue sky,and sunny, but the temp was not the best...when we were done for the day the meter showed app 3 deg celcius!.
First out , AE RC10B4 2wd car, i have shrouded the car with a Team Wave linear 6.5r and a 20T piniong. The car felt real good!!, little bumpy, but the temp affected the weigt in the oil. Mini Spikes, one and a half row cut in front (Slim tires, cut rims). Fun to test a rear motor car, (normaly i run S2 SWB MM)
2nd out , the Atomic Carbon S4 wd car..with my Linear 5.5r, this was the trick, what speed =)..WIth Mini SPikes the car was real dialed, little to hard, so i went down to 30w rear 32.5 front, Yellow rear and green spring front. Little bumpy, but extremly well!.
3rd and last, the TEK18T...i must say Wow!!; with stock rear rubbers, the car have tons of grip, but not to much, no rolling...Erlier i ran Bowties. The temp reminded me, and i had to go down to, 20w rear and 25w front from 25/30...the car acted real good, and handled everything..
Premiär vare, 2wd,4wd o 1/18. 20/4-2010
2wd funka kanon, mökta imponerad, o hur kul de va...lite anorlunda än min S2a, kan inte gå på gas lika tidigt!, men ack så trevligt.
4wd...this is it!..ojoj, va den går bra, lite setup förändringar, o ja va nästintill nöjd. kylan påverkar bilen massor, o den va lite studsig.
TEK18B gick som en dröm, lika hör oljan vart seg av kylan, bara meka om, gick ner ett snäpp runt om, samma fjädrar...nu gick den ännu bättre!, dock så va kylan så pass kraftig att de nästan va svårt o stå still :)